Donna Bailey 300x300px web
Vice President of Human Resources

Donna Bailey is vice president of human resources and is responsible for all HR-related activities for RoyOMartin. She joined the company in 2005 and has held positions as human resources manager, human resources director, and corporate human resources director. In addition to her experiential knowledge, Donna holds the highest level of professional certification issued by the Society for Human Resource Management. She earned a Master of Science in Human Resource Education and Leadership Development from Louisiana State University and is currently a doctoral candidate for Organizational Change and Leadership at Baylor University.

Talent and leadership development and positive company culture are a few of Donna’s passions. She and the human resources team have developed notable talent management programs, the high school WoodWorks program, the annual Women in Manufacturing event, the Girls Can Too! mentoring program, and the I Believe employee engagement initiative.

Donna and her husband, Chad, reside in Oakdale, Louisiana. They have six children and four grandchildren.

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