Martin Foundation

"Family Faith in Action"

The Martin Foundation exists to exhibit charity and philanthropy by financially supporting organizations in our communities whose missions are in line with those of our family business and Christian faith. It is our intent to inspire philanthropic giving and service to future generations of the Martin family.

It is the mission of the Martin family to demonstrate our Christian values through charitable giving in the communities where we live and work by addressing social, educational, and cultural needs. The Martin Foundation supports the following types of organizations:

“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required…” (Luke 12:48).

Social Outreach

The Martin Foundation is committed to strengthening families through social programs that assist the homeless, victims of domestic abuse, orphans, and single parents. These programs include support for health and disaster relief.


The Martin Foundation supports education through timber-industry related workforce development, scholarships for employees and their children, and financial assistance to local schools and public colleges.

Cultural Programs

The Martin Foundation supports visual and performing arts that enrich the cultural experiences in our communities.

2024 Martin Foundation Grant Application

The deadline to submit applications is September 15, 2024.

Information About Applicant's Organization

Once your application is submitted, it will go through an initial review by our team. A member of our team will contact you if additional information is needed.

Point of Contact for Proposal Information

Request Details

Please use the following format to enter this information: Source / Amount Requested / Amount Committed
Timetable for Project