Connie Baker Appointed to Statewide Commission on Women

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Alexandria, La. – (July 24, 2020) – RoyOMartin Senior Director of Human Resources Connie Baker has been appointed by Governor John Bel Edwards to serve on the Louisiana Women’s Policy and Research Commission. The only member from the Central Louisiana region and the manufacturing industry, she was considered for this position due to her “expertise in business or industry,” according to the Louisiana State Legislature’s website. The commission serves to identify issues currently impacting Louisiana women in terms of their economic stability, education, and overall health and well-being.

Connie has spent much of her professional career promoting the interests of women. In fact, she was instrumental in starting RoyOMartin Women in Manufacturing Day in 2017, as well as the annual Women in Business event by the Central Louisiana Regional Chamber of Commerce, of which she serves as board chair.

“It is both a privilege and an honor to be appointed by the governor to serve on the Louisiana Women’s Policy and Research Commission,” Connie stated. “I look forward to sharing the perspective of the many women in the manufacturing sector of business and industry.”



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