Martin Family Helps Dedicate New Salvation Army Shelter

Roy O. Martin III
Chairman, CEO, and CFO Roy O. Martin III cuts the ribbon at the center’s dedication ceremony.
May 8, 2024 —  A dedication ceremony took place for the new Salvation Army Center of Hope, a shelter for women, children, and veterans in downtown Alexandria, La.
RoyOMartin and the Martin family have been long-time supporters of the Salvation Army and were instrumental in raising the funds necessary to build the much-needed facility.
This shelter will house 17 beds for veterans, 16 beds for women, and 12 for women with children. Located at 1284 Murray Street, the Center of Hope will officially open its doors in June.
Salvation Army Center of Hope
Salvation Army Center of Hope
Carole Martin Baxter
Carole Martin Baxter serves as Board Chair for the Advisory Board


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