In partnership with another local employer, RoyOMartin enters the healthcare business with the state’s first employer-sponsored, patient-centered medical home in Alexandria. A pharmacy follows in 2018.
In partnership with another local employer, RoyOMartin enters the healthcare business with the state’s first employer-sponsored, patient-centered medical home in Alexandria. A pharmacy follows in 2018.
A state-of-the-art southern yellow pine OSB-manufacturing plant begins production in Oakdale, Louisiana. The first board was pressed on January 31, 2007. The Plywood mill in Chopin, La. undergoes a major expansion.
Jonathan becomes chairman and CEO, while Roy III is named company president. For the first time in company history, a non-family member ascends to the executive team as E. Scott Poole attains the role of senior vice president and COO.
Timberland-management operations attain certification by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) (FSC® C009079). FSC® certification of products (FSC® C022036) will come later. A major land purchase from Louisiana-Pacific was made.
In Chopin, Louisiana, the first major facility under Jonathan’s and Roy’s leadership—the plywood-manufacturing plant—begins production. Roy III is named executive vice president and CFO. The first press load was produced on March 8, 1996.
Jonathan succeeds Ellis as president and CEO of the family business, while Roy Jr.’s son, Roy III, becomes secretary-treasurer. The Martin Foundation is established.
Production begins in LeMoyen, Louisiana, at the family’s first oriented strand board (OSB)-manufacturing plant. Under the management of Ellis’s son, Jonathan, it is the first OSB plant in the South. Construction of an adjacent sawmill begins, which will open in 1984.
Ellis becomes president of the family business. The Fenner Street sawmill, the original 1923 purchase, is sold.