Corrigan OSB, L.L.C. Accepts First Load of Raw Materials at New Facility

RoyOMartin Corrigan OSB First Load Forestry Representatives Web

Corrigan, TX – (September 26, 2017) – RoyOMartin announced today the first three loads of pine pulpwood were received at the new Corrigan, Texas, oriented strand board (OSB) manufacturing plant of its subsidiary, Corrigan OSB, L.L.C. Alexandria, Louisiana-based RoyOMartin currently owns and operates two wood-products manufacturing facilities in Louisiana: a pine plywood plant in Chopin and an OSB plant in Oakdale. Construction of the Corrigan facility began in 2015, and start-up is expected later this year. The facility will employ approximately 165.

To mark its first log delivery, the plant held a celebratory gathering with employees and industry and community partners. The logs, delivered by J&J Logging under the supervision of Walsh Timber Company, L.L.C., will be unloaded and held in the site’s log yard to be used in operationalizing new wood-processing equipment and in training. A versatile structural wood panel, OSB is commonly used in the construction of residential and multifamily housing, as well as in a variety of other applications.

“We are excited to receive and unload our first three loads of pulpwood at Corrigan OSB, L.L.C.,” stated Terry Secrest, vice president of OSB and corporate safety director for RoyOMartin. “This is the first of many milestones on the path to running a world-class OSB facility later this year. Thanks to everyone for making this happen safely.”

RoyOMartin Vice President of Land and Timber Cade Young added, “We have eagerly awaited this log delivery and look forward to many more at the Corrigan site. We appreciate the relationships formed with our raw-material suppliers and vendors, the Texas Forestry Association, and others throughout the region who have welcomed us to Deep East Texas.”

To view the full press release, click here.



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