Donna Bailey Named Vice President of Human Resources

Alexandria, LA – (December 8, 2017) – RoyOMartin is delighted to announce that, effective January 1, 2018, Donna Bailey is being promoted to Vice President of Human Resources. At that time, Donna will assume responsibility for all HR-related activities for RoyOMartin. Donna has worked diligently preparing herself for this role. In addition to her experiential knowledge, Donna holds the highest level of professional certification issued by the Society for Human Resource Management and has earned a Master of Science in Human Resource Education and Leadership Development from Louisiana State University.

Donna has enriched her professional experience by participating in a select number of work-related and community-focused activities. She played a key leadership role in the startup of the Oakdale, LA, facility and currently serves as a member of the Corrigan OSB, L.L.C. design team. Donna was the primary catalyst for creating the state-approved curriculum for the highly touted WoodWorks program. In 2014, she received special recognition as a Step Ahead Award winner, being recognized by the Manufacturing Institute as a top woman in manufacturing. Most recently, Donna actively participated in establishing Allen Parish as an ACT Work Ready Community and, working closely with others from RoyOMartin, helped our company earn the designation as National Workplace Success Exemplar for the 2017 ACT College and Career Readiness Campaign.



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