Jonathan E. Martin Honored with Rotary “Service Above Self” Award

Jonathan Rotary Speech

Alexandria, La. – (June 4, 2019) – The Alexandria Rotary Club honored Jonathan E. Martin, chairman of Martin Sustainable Resources L.L.C. (MSR), with its “Service Above Self” Award today. The award recognizes an individual making a significant impact through community support and involvement.

During the ceremony, several community leaders spoke to Martin’s volunteerism and charitable giving, including Charles S. Weems III, a local attorney and long-time board member of MSR. “Johnny Martin has supported, in substantial ways, virtually every charitable need in Central Louisiana, without seeking, expecting, or wanting recognition,” he said.

“This is the best award I’ve ever received,” Martin said. “I try not to get in the limelight…I prefer to work in the background. But I’m very proud to be here and receive this award. This is very meaningful to me.”

To read the full story, visit The Town Talk website here.

Alexandria Rotary Club President John R. LeBoeuf, Jr. (left) is pictured with Jonathan and Maggie Martin


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