Land and Timber Department Reaches 16-Years Accident-Free Milestone

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Alexandria, La. – (August 2, 2023) – 2023 has been a milestone year for RoyOMartin, reaching the Centennial of the company’s founding, record-breaking production numbers. We are proud to announce that the Land and Timber Department marks 16 years without an OSHA-recordable injury on August 2, 2023. Historically, logging and forestry-related jobs are some of the most dangerous in the country. The RoyOMartin foresters, responsible for more than 550,000 acres of timberland, have beaten the statistics year after year.

“Today, our Land and Timber Department celebrates a unique and exemplary accomplishment among their peers, says President and Chief Operating Officer E. Scott Poole. “As we recognize over a decade and a half of dedicated safety, let us also remember the environment in which they work. Forestry’s duties are varied, seasonal, and the physical conditions of their workspace are never the same.”

Poole continues, “Each day is a new encounter to prepare for and contend with as they perform their multitude of tasks. To do this safely requires constant attention to the moment and an assessment of their surroundings. What a testament to being “Brother’s Keepers” in everyday life. Congratulations to our Land and Timber Department and their commitment to safety and professionalism.”

At RoyOMartin, safety is the most critical part of what we do across all business units. The key to 16 years without an accident is a testament to the team’s commitment to the corporate safety philosophy, IBiZ NOW, or I believe in Zero NOW. The policy is that everyone wakes up and safety is at the top of mind. All accidents can and must be prevented. The Land and Timber team successfully completed near-miss reporting, performed quality safety audits, and made daily contact with all team members and contractors.

“Over the last 16 years, the individual members of the team have committed themselves to execute their given roles in the safest way possible while continuously improving our safety culture,” says Vice President of Land and Timber Cade Young. He continues, “Such an accomplishment is only possible with the personal dedication of each team member to our shared goal of working as safely as possible.”

Congratulations to the Land and Timber Department for this remarkable safety milestone.


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