Louisiana Logger’s Association Holds Quarterly Meeting at RoyOMartin Headquarters

LLA Meeting

Alexandria, La. – (June 17, 2019) – The Louisiana Logger’s Association, Inc. (LLA) held its quarterly meeting at RoyOMartin’s Alexandria, Louisiana, corporate office on June 17. With a mission of promoting the interests of the state’s loggers and log haulers, the association—now in its 25th year—recently reorganized to better position itself to impact industry-specific legislation in Baton Rouge. As a result of these efforts, 11 elected officials and candidates seeking both statewide and local offices attended the meeting at RoyOMartin to address association membership. Also present at the standing-room-only event were a number of community stakeholders.

The meeting proved both educational and productive. Attendees heard legislative updates of interest, such as the passage of the Right to Farm and Forest (HB 106)—allowing for protection of all farmlands, including timberland—and other bills relating to hauling permitting, the harvest and sale of forest products, and the creation of the Louisiana Trucking Research and Education Council (HB 369). LLA members voted to endorse the following candidates for their re-election to the Louisiana legislature: Beth Mizell, Senate District 12; Jim Fannin, Senate District 35; and Jack McFarland, Representative District 13. Also of note was an update by Dave Cupp, president of Walsh Timber Company, L.L.C., regarding the “Team Safe Trucking” online safety program for haulers. Cupp serves as the southern regional director of the American Loggers Council.

“It was a tremendous event, packed with loggers from throughout the state, who, through the newly reorganized LLA, are working to further their profession through education, technical training, and political engagement,” stated RoyOMartin Senior Vice President and COO Scott Poole.

“The LLA is working hard to represent our people all over our state, to provide a voice, to educate, and to move our industry forward,” stated LLA Executive Director Toni McAllister. “We were thrilled with the turnout at our June meeting. With timber being the largest agricultural crop in the state, we believe it should get more consideration, and we are delighted to see the degree of interest that the association is stirring. We plan on playing a large role in this fall’s elections and gearing up for next year’s session, as well. To the RoyOMartin work family, we are so thankful for your support.”

To learn more about the LLA, contact McAllister at 318-729-1726 or lla_pac@laloggers.com, or search Facebook for Louisiana Logger’s Association and PAC.

(Left to right) The LLA held its quarterly meeting at the RoyOMartin corporate headquarters; Representative McFarland and Senators Mizell and Fannin were endorsed for re-election by LLA members.


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