Martco L.L.C. Plants Recognized for Safety

APA Award for web post

Alexandria, LA – (April 28, 2017) – Both of Martco L.L.C.’s Louisiana-based wood-product manufacturing plants have been named safety award winners by APA – The Engineered Wood Association. Results of the 2016 APA Safety & Health Awards Program were announced last week, with 87 APA-member wood-product facilities across the U.S., Canada, and abroad participating. Among the winners were:

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[rs-image img_url=”” link=”” alt=”Plywood APA award” width=”” height=”” class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”pull-left” wrap=”no”/]

RoyOMartin (Plywood)
Chopin, Louisiana
“Annual Safety & Health Honor Roll, First Place, Plywood Division I”
“3-Year Safety Award, 2014-2016, Plywood Division I”



[rs-image img_url=”” link=”” alt=”Oakdale APA award” width=”” height=”” class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”pull-left” wrap=”no”/]

RoyOMartin (Oriented Strand Board)
Oakdale, Louisiana
“Incident Free Honor Society”
“Innovation in Safety Award, Jeff Wagner Process-Based Innovation Winner”



Known as RoyOMartin-Plywood, the Chopin plant, through winning the two awards listed above for these and previous years, is recognized as the safest North American plywood mill in the APA safety program. “People are our greatest assets, and protecting these assets is our company’s number-one priority,” stated Jeremy Burford, plant manager. “These awards are possible due to an engaged team of people, working together for sustained improvement every day,” added Vice President of Plywood Joe Mackay.

RoyOMartin-OSB helped lead organizational safety by having no recordable incidents in 2016. The plant’s development of safety banners featuring children and grandchildren of company employees earned them the award for safety innovation. Dressed in oversized personal protective equipment, the children serve as a reminder of why working safely is important and support RoyOMartin’s “I Believe in Zero” safety philosophy that working with zero incidents is attainable.

To view the full press release, click here.


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