Recognizing Excellence in Innovation

Innovation Award Recipients

Alexandria, La. – (June 19, 2020) – RoyOMartin celebrates employee innovation by giving an annual innovation award. Yesterday, we recognized Jeff Greene, electrical lead at the Chopin, La., plywood mill, as this year’s winner of the RoyOMartin Innovation Award, along with three other innovative employees. Honorees were nominated and selected by members of our Strategic Action Leadership Team (S.A.L.T.). Each of the four team members listed below received a certificate and special gift at a luncheon with S.A.L.T.

  • Jeff Greene, electrical lead, RoyOMartin-Plywood: Developed a system utilizing wireless eyes for improved device connectivity across the mill
  • Dirk Margheim, media production specialist, home office: Produced focused, high-impact safety-training videos
  • Stephan Rasberry, mechanical team member, RoyOMartin-OSB (Oakdale): Developed a spreader bar and sling system for removing and installing large, heavy, two-piece sprockets
  • Lucas Strange, programmer/DBA-SR, home office: Recreated invoicing and credit/debit systems

Pictured below at the awards ceremony are (left to right): President and COO E. Scott Poole; Programmer/DBA-SR Lucas Strange, Mechanical Team Member Stephan Rasberry, Electrical Lead Jeff Greene, and Media Production Specialist Dirk Margheim (innovation honorees); and Chairman, CEO, and CFO Roy O. Martin III


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