RoyOMartin Announces Capital Investments and Executive Leadership Changes

Roy O. Martin III Headshot

Alexandria, La. – (October 18, 2019) – Martco L.L.C. (dba RoyOMartin) has planned $30 million in capital expenditures during the next 18 months for new projects to further modernize its Oakdale, Louisiana, oriented strand board (OSB) and Chopin, Louisiana, plywood and solid wood products manufacturing facilities. These newest long-term commitments reflect RoyOMartin’s ongoing determination to maintain its reputation for having the safest, most technologically advanced and efficient wood-products facilities in North America.

RoyOMartin is also pleased to announce the following changes in executive leadership, as approved by its board of managers:

  • Roy O. Martin III has been elected Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Financial Officer. Roy is the grandson of Roy O. Martin, Sr., a business pioneer who founded the Martin family’s first forest-products company in 1923.
  • Scott Poole has been elected President and Chief Operating Officer, becoming the first non-family company president.
  • Terry Secrest, Jr. has been elected Executive Vice President of Manufacturing and Product Sales.

Darryl Ryan Monroe will continue in his role as Secretary-Treasurer.

Piloting the organization into the next decade with the organization’s long-term vision and values is the Strategic Action Leadership Team, consisting of the individuals above, as well as: Ray Brown, General Counsel; Donna Bailey, Vice President of Human Resources; Jeremy Burford, Vice President of Plywood Sales and Operations; Jesse Bolton, Vice President of Information Systems; and Cade Young, Vice President of Land and Timber Operations.

To view the press release, click here.

In other news, Martin Sustainable Resources L.L.C. forwards the announcement that Indigo Natural Resources and Momentum Midstream have agreed to sell a natural gas gathering system and pipeline, which upon completion, will link gas production in Louisiana’s Haynesville shale formation to the Louisiana gulf coast. Refer to the DTE press release here.

Martin Sustainable Resources L.L.C. is a principal investor in Indigo Natural Resources and Momentum Midstream, and Roy O. Martin III is a member of Indigo’s Board of Directors.

(Below, left to right): Martin, Poole, and Secrest



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