RoyOMartin Holds Inaugural “Women in Manufacturing Day”

RoyOMartin Women in Manufacturing Day scaled 1

On October 3, 2017, RoyOMartin held a special ceremony to highlight the efforts of women working in manufacturing-related occupations. Held the week of the national Manufacturing Day, which falls on October 6 this year, RoyOMartin’s Women in Manufacturing Day coincides with the birthday of company chairman Jonathan E. Martin.

As part of Women in Manufacturing Day, the company spotlighted six of its current female employees who represent a variety of occupations. Additionally, female junior high and high school students from throughout Central Louisiana attended the ceremony at RoyOMartin’s corporate office to hear from the employees about career opportunities within the wood-products manufacturing and forestry industries. RoyOMartin currently owns and operates two manufacturing facilities in Louisiana and manages approximately 550,000 acres of Martin-family-owned timberland.

Coordinating the Women in Manufacturing Day event was Donna Bailey, RoyOMartin’s corporate director of employee engagement. “As women in manufacturing, I believe we have an obligation to ensure that young women are fully aware of career opportunities available to them. More importantly, we must guide them along the learning path to success,” she explained. Furthermore, “we need to erase the false narrative associated with a woman’s inability to effectively compete and perform in manufacturing. It’s just plain wrong. Talented women are successfully performing at all levels today. This is fully evident by the women representing our organization at this event.”

RoyOMartin employees recognized at the October 3 event were:

• Michelle Driscoll, production manager
• Kayla Johnson, master-craft electrician
• Natalie Monroe, corporate environmental manager
• Brittany Ray, forestry technician
• Windy Robinson, production team leader
• Collene Van Mol, health-services manager

“Manufacturing careers at RoyOMartin offer a great opportunity for individuals seeking a safe, steady, and team-oriented work environment with high-earnings potential,” stated Martin. “It is important for us to help make women aware of these opportunities in our region. We are happy to recognize the unique skills our female workforce brings to our industry, and we look forward to making Women in Manufacturing Day an annual event at RoyOMartin.”

To view the press release regarding this event, click here.


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