RoyOMartin Land and Timber Department Marks 14-Year Safety Milestone

Forestry 14 years  web

Alexandria, La. – (August 3, 2021) – Wood-products manufacturer RoyOMartin has announced that its land and timber department has completed 14 years without an OSHA-recordable injury, effective August 2. Logging and forestry have historically been among the most dangerous occupations in North America. Given those statistics and the vast amount of timberland managed by RoyOMartin foresters—nearly 550,000 acres—this accomplishment is especially noteworthy.

Keys to the team’s success include reporting near-misses, performing quality safety audits, and making daily contacts, in cooperation with a dedicated team of health, safety, and environmental professionals.

“I never ceased to be amazed by the personal commitment to safety that each of the department’s team members exhibits every day,” stated RoyOMartin Vice President of Land and Timber Cade Young. “If you look at the number of hours spent in the woods, or the number of miles driven in a year’s time by this group, you begin to really appreciate what a statistical marvel this accomplishment really is. Each team member is a safety leader and actively participates in improving the safety culture of the department.”

“Our land and timber team members oversee hundreds of logging jobs each year,” Chairman, CEO, and CFO Roy O. Martin III added. “With all of these potentially dangerous activities, this department exemplifies the concept of ‘every accident is preventable.’”

President and COO E. Scott Poole stated, “Our land and timber team are the example of what we can all achieve with a sustaining, dedicated focus on safety. Their practice of being your ‘brother’s keeper’ is demonstrated in their team spirit, their work ethic, and accountability to each other. This culture is renewed on a daily basis and emphasizes how important safety is in our daily lives — both at work and at home. I couldn’t be prouder of the team’s continued safety milestones and contributions to our company. Here’s to the next 14 years injury free!”

The above photo of the RoyOMartin Land and Timber Department was taken in 2019.


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