RoyOMartin Launches “5 STEPS to Zero” Safety Campaign

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A message from RoyOMartin Vice President of OSB and Corporate Safety Director Terry Secrest:

What began as the “I Believe in Zero” (IBiZ) campaign in late 2014 has evolved into nothing short of a cultural evolution at RoyOMartin. With IBiZ came a renewed focus on accident and incident prevention.

To further our commitment to safety—both at work and at home—we are beginning a new campaign called “5 STEPS to Zero.” This program will not replace IBiZ, but rather, complement it. Whereas IBiZ provided the “What?” (i.e., What are we trying to accomplish?), 520 will provide the “How?” (i.e., How do we achieve zero accidents?) in five, easy-to-remember steps.

  1. Stop – Stop what you’re doing if you notice a potential safety hazard.
  2. Think – Think about how to best address the situation, mitigating danger.
  3. Examine – Carefully examine the recognized hazard or upset condition.
  4. Pursue – Pursue additional resources, asking for help if you have questions or need assistance.
  5. Start – Start; proceed with caution to address the potentially unsafe situation.

Goals we’re focusing on include:

  • Eliminating all incidents
  • Improving hazard recognition
  • Renewing focus on safety at work and at home

Watch for corporate- and site-wide 520 programming through December, and take these messages and promotional items home to share with family and friends. Let’s continue to strive for zero accidents—from first-aid cases to OSHA recordables—through reporting near-misses, performing quality safety audits, and offering positive reinforcement for safe behaviors.

Won’t you follow the 5 STEPS to zero accidents?

Terry Secrest
Vice President of OSB and Corporate Safety Director


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