Forest Management
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified since 2002
RoyOMartin’s management of nearly 550,000 acres of timberland assets has been Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified since 2002. This certification verifies that our timberland-management practices are consistent with the tenets of FSC® regarding social, environmental, ecological, and economic responsibilities. NEPCon conducts an annual audit to ensure ongoing compliance with FSC® standards. As evidenced by our certification, these forests are managed in a responsible and environmentally sensitive manner. Practicing sustainable forestry is essential to all of us because this helps ensure we can continue providing the products our communities need for years to come.
It is the policy of this company to avoid using wood that has been illegally harvested, wood from genetically modified trees, wood harvested from areas where traditional or civil rights are violated in the process, wood from uncertified high conservation value old-growth forests, wood from natural forests converted to plantations or non-forest use as described in the current FSC® PBC policy and will comply with the Values of FSC® as defined in FSC-POL-01-004 regarding practices, whether directly or indirectly, in violation of the core International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The company commits to adhere to the FSC® Core Labor Requirements, including the prohibition of child labor, prohibition of forced and compulsory labor, prohibition of discrimination in employment and occupation, and freedom of association and right to collective bargaining. The company has appointed a contact person responsible for implementing this policy. If it is demonstrated that a supplying company is obtaining wood from such sources, we will promptly take appropriate actions, including stopping purchases from such sources for products covered by this policy.
This company is committed to doing its best to identify the sources of wood used for products labeled according to the FSC® rules and to publish reports on the origin of materials used in the products affected with a sufficient geographical resolution to ensure compliance with the policy. If it proves impossible to identify the origin of some of these raw materials, we are committed to replacing them with materials that can be confidently sourced. Our reports will describe our system for verifying and monitoring our sources, the proportions of raw materials which have not yet been verified, and the steps being taken to replace materials of unknown origin.
For more information on RoyOMartin’s FSC® Chain of Custody/Forest Management certification (FSC® License Code FSC-C009079), contact 800-299-5174 or complete the webform below.