Seven WoodWorks Graduates Hired as Team Members

WoodWorks 2024 hires

(Left to right) Ray Vercher, Peabody Magnet High; Aiden Martin, Simpson High; Alan Ladner, Simpson High; LeLand Rollins, Oakdale High; Brodie Perkins, Hicks High; Dakota LaPrairie, Northwood High; and Anna Dubroc, Kinder High.


June 10, 2024 (Alexandria, La.) – RoyOMartin celebrated 7 recent high school graduates who completed our WoodWorks certification program. A signing event was held at our corporate office as they were officially hired as part of our team!

Throughout the academic year, WoodWorks students benefit from classroom instruction from their teacher sponsors and valuable guidance from RoyOMartin WoodWorks mentors. To gain firsthand experience, they embark on plant tours, engage in insightful interviews with company representatives, and earn certification upon successful course completion.

Equipped with their WoodWorks certification and high-school diploma, these students can choose to enter RoyOMartin’s apprenticeship program, where specialized training courses pave the way for a smooth transition into full-time employment roles at any of the three RoyOMartin manufacturing facilities. It’s a journey of education, empowerment, and opportunity.

Congratulations to all of our newest hires as you work toward successful careers at RoyOMartin!


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