WoodWorks Grads Complete Apprenticeship at CLTCC

Alexandria, La. – (August 5, 2022) – Our WoodWorks Apprenticeship team members recently completed their on-the-job training at Central Louisiana Technical Community College (CLTCC). During the course, they learned the basics of manufacturing as they transition into their roles at the three RoyOMartin manufacturing facilities. CLTCC instructors Nub Parker and Willie Ray Jackson taught about basic manufacturing, electrical, and mechanical skills, as well as helped them obtain their OSHA 10 certifications.

In June, these recent high school graduates who successfully completed our WoodWorks certification program, were officially hired as part of the RoyOMartin team.

Pictured with the team members are Talent and Engagement Managers Nicole Rogers (far right) and Melanie Chapman (far left), who is the WoodWorks program facilitator.


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