RoyOMartin celebrated 11 recent high school graduates who successfully completed our WoodWorks certification program. In June, a signing event was held at our corporate office in Alexandria, La., as they were officially hired as part of our team!
Currently offered in 16 central Louisiana and 5 east Texas high schools, RoyOMartin’s WoodWorks program is a custom-designed curriculum that covers topics such as applied mathematics, industrial safety, and employability skills. Also included are tours of the company’s manufacturing facilities and mentoring by RoyOMartin safety, maintenance, and operations professionals. Participating high school juniors and seniors can earn credit, a certificate of completion, and a guaranteed interview by RoyOMartin upon successful completion of the program. Since its launch in 2007, the program has provided an alternative pathway to career success besides college or trade school. There are currently approximately 65 WoodWorks graduates employed by the company.
Congratulations to all our newest hires! We look forward to working together toward successful careers at RoyOMartin!
WoodWorks Grads Sign with RoyOMartin
Home » WoodWorks Grads Sign with RoyOMartin

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